
Research Computing (RC)#

We would like to thank the HMS RC team for their invaluable support in completing our project. Their expertise, dedication and availability made a significant difference, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

Open Source Community#

A lot of inspiration for this project was drawn from many other similar projects such as Bioimage ANalysis Desktop (BAND), ZeroCostDL4Mic, and DL4MicEverywhere. Additionally, the ability to install open source software tools was only possible due to the active open source community and their ongoing development and maintainance of these tools. The Forum has been an immense help in finding answers. Finally, some parts of the code written were inspired by, and in some cases directly borrowed from, other open source code bases which made the development easier.


This project was made possible by funding from the Center for Computational Biomedicine at HMS and Dean’s Innovation Award.